Engineering Portfolio
Hello! I'm a student in the University of Pennsylvania's M&T program, studying CS and Finance. I'm super interested in ML and robotics (with a recent focus on hardware acceleration). Below are some of my favorite projects.
Implementing a Transformer from scratch to solidify ML fundamentals and learn CUDA (w/ a friend - shoutout to Alexander Chen). Currently implemented flash attention, layernorm, backprop, Adam, all required lin alg operations. Trained CPU only tiny-shakespeare.
Wanted to learn chip design over the summer, so I self studied CIS 4710 (Computer Organization and Design) and coded a RISC-VIM Core in System Verilog. Test benches were written with cocotb.
I've been a drone-building hobbyist for 5 years :) Built a UAV-UGV heterogenous system for path planning. Implemented SLAM, ViT's, and path optimization algorithms for autonomous control. I linked the publications down below.
Built a language tutor using GPT 3.5 (when schema output first came out), tts, and whisper to help users improve their conversational speaking skills. Supports Spanish, French, English, Mandarin, Hindi, Hebrew, Korean, Russian, and Japanese.
4 years of antics as captain of my high school's FRC and FTC robotics teams. FTC State Championship Winners (2022), FRC Lehigh Regional Tournament Qualifiers (2022/2023)
Rebuilt trails at my high school and built an outdoor learning space for classes during COVID.